Is the Future of Cloud Computing Literally in the Clouds?

September 25, 2013 Off By David

Grazed from Midsize Insider. Author: Charles Costa.

Cloud computing has allowed professionals at midsize businesses to stay connected while on the go; as reliance on cloud services increases, however, data center architects are scrambling to find suitable locations for new data centers. Although it is logical to assume future data centers will be built near high-population areas, a recent article from Fast Company discusses how cloud services might literally be housed in the clouds — or just above them — in the near future.

For the sum of $100 million, data centers could be constructed at a low orbit, providing midsize companies with affordable access to archival storage where high-speed access is not required. Some of the most notable cost-saving features unique to space data centers include solar power and full automation and self-healing of the server hardware…

Cloud Computing Matters

Experts are now planning to launch data centers into space because the demand for computing power by midsize businesses has been growing exponentially for the past few years. Midsize companies need access to unlimited amounts of storage to keep copies of all their files, and redundancy is a must for any storage system. Companies often need to use data centers in multiple locations so they can hit the ground running even after a disaster. Additionally, data centers in space will free up traditional centers for tasks that must be completed rapidly; this will be a vital asset to midsize businesses…

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