Is loss of control the biggest hurdle to cloud computing?

July 2, 2014 Off By David

Grazed from ITWorldCanada. Author: Don Sheppard.

Some systems managers still believe the promise of cloud computing exceeds the technological reality. They cite the “ities” – security, customizability, longevity, quality, reliability and others – as being key inhibitors to adoption and valid causes for corporate hesitation. In my opinion, the elephant in the room is really the loss of control that happens when ICT becomes cloud-based and widely accessible to the public.

Giving up direct control has to be one of the hardest things corporate managers have to do (or more correctly to re-do). The basic premise seems to be that if it’s under your control, then nothing much can go wrong! Is the loss of cloud control a valid fear? Cloud systems are typically (but not universally) characterized by:

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