Is Cloud Computing Green?

March 30, 2011 Off By David
Object Storage
Grazed from Forbes.  Author: Kevin L. Jackson.

Today I was honored to be the guest speaker for the kick off event for Records and Information Management Month (RIMM) at the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO). In conjunction with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), these agencies are using the month of April to focus on how Green Initiatives can be implemented in the workplace. An additional unexpected pleasure was to be introduced by Ms. Jill Singer, NRO CIO.

The topic of my presentation, “Is Cloud Computing Green?“, explored the commonly held belief that the coming shift to the cloud will simultaneously reduce the carbon emmisions footprint currently attributed to the Information, Technology and Communications (ICT) sector. Logic argues that increased data center efficiency would reduce the need for new data centers. This line also points to an apparent preference for building new data centers in areas where electricity is generated using renewable resources (i.e. hydroelectric and wind). In view of Presidential Executive Order 13514, Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance, the Federal Data Center Consolidation Initiative and the Federal Cloud Computing Initiative, the topic was indeed timely.

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In my talk, I presented Vivek Kundra’s arguments which used the government’s woeful server efficiency rates and exploding data center count to highlight how the Federal government has not been in the habit of husbanding IT resources.

I also leveraged the results of the Greenpeace study, “Make IT Green: Cloud computing and its contribution to climate change“, in order to present an independent view of cloud computing’s effect on the environment.

In the end, my conclusion was that the answer to weather cloud computing is green is still being written.  Cloud computing’s impact to our environment will be driven by how well society reflects the cost of CO2 emissions into the economic business case of each cloud computing company. The future of the green cloud may, in fact, be determined by our action or inaction on seemingly unrelated battles like Cap & Trade.

Take a look at the presentation yourself and let me know where you stand.