Is 2015 the Year of Enlightenment for Cloud Computing?

February 26, 2015 Off By David

Grazed from MSPMentor.  Author: Michael Brown.

Will 2015 be the year the cloud gets past the hype? While cloud-based file sharing and other cloud services are being adopted by almost all businesses, the cloud is still in the early stages of its technological revolution. Whether it is personal computers, the internet, or 3D printing, every new technology goes through a period of hype and disillusionment before the really productive innovation takes place.

Gartner calls this the Hype Cycle of Emerging Technologies. According to Gartner, cloud computing has already passed the inflated expectations people had about it and everyone is beginning to become disillusioned by it…

But that’s not a bad thing! Once the hype ends, real enlightenment can begin, and that’s where really useful and significant things get created.  So now that the hype over the cloud is over, is 2015 the year of enlightenment?…

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