Intel’s Cancer Cloud Shows Promise for Agencies

November 24, 2015 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from FedTech. Author: David Stegon.

The growth of cloud computing continues to create new opportunities for technology companies to offer better access to information. This summer, Intel, in a collaborative effort with Oregon Health & Science University, launched the Collaborative Cancer Cloud, which, as it grows out, will provide medical researchers and practitioners with a wealth of data on all aspects of cancer that can be used to better serve patients.

At its core, the Collaborative Cancer Cloud allows doctors and researchers to share patient data, the goal being to further critical discoveries about the disease. However, instead of placing that data in a consolidated single cloud architecture — as some organizations already do — Intel’s project allows each organization to continue to host its own data but lets others use it behind a firewall. Intel’s Eric Dishman described it earlier this year:…

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