Innovative Cloud: Creative Uses Of The Cloud

August 6, 2014 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from CloudTweaks. Author: Editorial Staff.

For many, the cloud removes processing power constraints from the equation, allowing to think freely and creatively. The costs don’t increase much, or at all: using a single computer for 1000 hours costs the same as using 1000 for an hour. So cloud computing allows tackling big ideas and data, even for those without the proper infrastructure.

Pharmaceutical companies, large enterprises and even the layman benefit from the availability of the cloud, already pushing the available technology to its limits. But there is, you’d probably agree, the difference between a company that merely stores data in the cloud and a company that utilizes the bleeding-edge benefits that cloud computing can provide. The latter is what we’ll be concentrating on in this article…

Creative uses of cloud computing

Some uses can be deemed creative focus entirely on resource saving or increasing profits. The City of Seattle teamed up with Accenture and Microsoft last year in an effort to reduce power consumption across the city by 10 to 25%. The gist is that with comprehensive data analysis maintenance and power costs of buildings can be driven down significantly, but only cloud computing can provide the necessary processing power as hardware in each building is just too costly. Healthcare companies leverage cloud computing as well. The private sector, on the other hand, uses cloud computing to process huge data sets that result in better consumer recommendations (Amazon and eBay being the obvious examples)…

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