Infinitely Virtual Announces New McAfee Anti-Spam Cloud-Hosted Packages

July 16, 2012 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from MarketWatch. Author: PR Announcement.

In these budget-conscious times, getting the best value at a competitive price is an especially compelling proposition. Infinitely Virtual, a leading provider of virtual server cloud computing services for businesses, today announced new pricing that enables customers to get the full benefits of premium McAfee anti-spam protection for 30 percent less.

At the same time, the company announced a similar 30 percent price reduction on email archiving options.

Customers of Infinitely Virtual’s Dedicated Exchange Hosting services can now choose from either a Basic or Premium bundled, anti-spam package. Under the new pricing structure, the rate for the Basic plan remains unchanged. The bundled Advanced tier has been eliminated, and customers now under the Advanced plan are being automatically upgraded to Premium. Customers may continue to purchase the Advanced level as a standalone product, also at a 30 percent discount…

"We’re always looking for ways to enhance customer service, while offering competitive, affordable pricing that fits within the budgets of our small to mid-sized customers," said Adam Stern, founder and CEO, Infinitely Virtual. "The timing was right to make strategic pricing adjustments in our hosted anti-spam services, and make it possible for more customers to realize the benefits of the Premium level."

Among the prime benefits of the Premium, anti-spam hosting level: email continuity and outbound filtering. The Premium level incorporates McAfee SaaS Email Protection and Continuity, protecting against email network outages and ensuring that inbound and outbound email protection is maintained without interruption. Employees, customers, partners and suppliers stay connected 24×7. If a customer’s email servers become unavailable, the cloud-based, secure, easy-to-use web interface is at the ready to send and receive messages, search for and retrieve stored messages and manage message stores — just as in a normal live environment.

Outbound filtering enables businesses to screen outgoing email to protect their clients against malware, and to protect against loss of sensitive information and potential legal liability. McAfee’s SaaS Email Protection and Continuity checks outbound email to identify and block viruses, worms and other malicious code. It also automatically enforces email policies, detecting proprietary information and inappropriate content in both the body of all outbound email and in attached files.

Infinitely Virtual’s McAfee anti-spam services are also available as an option with Infinitely Virtual’s QuickBooks Virtual Office Network, Virtual Office Network-Standard+, and InfiniteApp-Virtual Office Network.