In the world of cloud, it’s time for CIOs to separate strategy from tactics

June 5, 2014 Off By David

Grazed from ITProPortal. Author: Jeramiah Dooley.

It’s hard to imagine a conversation that happens between C-Level enterprise executives without ‘the cloud’ coming up. While cloud computing is obviously nothing new, breaking through the noise and determining the best strategy is still a very real and difficult issue for CIOs. Everyone seems to be sharing a different opinion on the changing landscape of the cloud.

At the centre of the cloud debate we often have legacy hardware vendors trying to push their own agendas. They’re doing everything they can to protect their market share by delaying the innovation of their customers. We know they’re doing this because there are certain things surrounding cloud that are not being discussed…

Like how the availability of cloud services is driving enterprises to a higher standard of service delivery. Or about the need to provision services faster or be more operationally efficient as an IT organisation. We also don’t hear how the next generation data centres have to be structured to support both single and multi-tenant clouds. And how critical the design of the infrastructure is in that process…

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