IBM unleashes NVIDIA GPU on SoftLayer cloud for faster processing power

July 11, 2015 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from CloudTech.  Author: James Bourne.

While the rest of the tech media marvelled at the world’s first seven nanometre chips unveiled by IBM earlier this week, the Armonk giant has quietly pushed out a couple of impressive cloud announcements alongside it.  IBM – who, let us not forget, wants to be seen as a cloud-first organisation – has announced the availability of NVIDIA Tesla K80 dual-GPU accelerators on bare metal cloud servers. In other words, it provides supercomputing powers to the SoftLayer cloud without the need for companies to expand their existing infrastructure.
GPU, in a cloud environment, works alongside a server’s CPU to accelerate application and processing performance. Combining the two instead of using a CPU alone, utilising thousands of small efficient cores, results in faster processing of information…


IBM claims to be the only cloud IaaS provider to offer GPU-accelerated computing on bare metal servers, while now adding NVIDIA Tesla capability. The company wheeled out a series of customers, big and small, who are already seeing the benefits of this accelerated computing shift; New York University used NVIDIA Tesla K80 GPU to support a deep-learning course, while startup MapD is using the accelerators for data and analytics…

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