IBM Steps Up GPU Power for the Cloud

May 20, 2016 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from ITWorldCanada. Author: Chris Lau.

IBM Corp. announced on Thursday (May 19) Nvidia power on IBM cloud. Cloud computing is becoming an increasingly powerful option for enterprises looking for data analytics, storage, and application hosting. GPUs, or graphic processing units, may bottleneck application solutions when implementing a cloud solution.

By adopting Nvidia’s Tesla solution, IBM is making inroads in supporting AI and cognitive across a variety of enterprises. The IBM cloud will offer Nvidia’s Tesla M60 GPU accelerator. HPC (high performance computing) need powerful GPUs to do data analytics, AI, and graphical computations. In the energy sector, Haliburton and Repsol both use GPUs to analyze seismic data…

The healthcare and financial sectors often run computationally demanding applications for analyzing data. Nvidia optimized the Tesla M60 with what it calls “NVIDIA Grid.” This ensures virtual desktop applications gain access to the GPU resources…

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