IBM launches new cloud security practice

November 5, 2014 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from USAToday. Author: Elizabeth Weise.

Companies are throwing sensitive data into the cloud as fast as they can get it there, to save money and be more nimble. But safety is a concern. An IBM survey out Wednesday finds that 44% of corporate security leaders are convinced a major security breach is bound to happen. "We asked them ‘What’s the number one, big security issue that’s going to happen?’ and that’s what they honed in on," said IBM’s Marc van Zadelhoff, vice president of strategy and product management for IBM Security System.

Cloud computing is big and getting bigger.

"Just about every large company we deal with has moved something into the cloud, with plans to move more," said Jon Oltsik, an analyst with Enterprise Strategy Group in Mitford, Mass. Still, many Americas are still a little … cloudy… on just what it is. A survey by IT company Citrix found that 51% of Americans thought stormy weather could interfere with cloud computing…

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