IBM announces private cloud service

April 8, 2011 Off By David
Object Storage
Grazed from Computer Weekly.  Author: Cliff Saran.

IBM has introduced a private cloud service to give businesses computing on demand, but it has disclosed no plans for a UK service.

Two services, Enterprise and Enterprise+ will be offered to businesses with prices starting at $0.15 an hour for Linux.

The company expects to grow revenue from its cloud services, which fit alongside traditional outsourcing, to a $7bn business. Enterprise is aimed at software development ansd testing, while Enterprise+ is aimed at production systems.

Along with the cloud services, IBM. is also offering businesses business process management as a cloud service. Called BlueWorks, it is already being used by several organisations including Aviva.

IBM has also joined the Cloud Standards Customer Council, managed by the Object Management Group. 40 organisations are members including Lockheed Martin and Citigroup.