IaaS Upstart CloudServers.com Enters the Market

September 25, 2013 Off By David

Grazed from TMCNet. Author: Laura Stotler.

A new cloud server provider has entered the fray, moving out of beta and making its infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) offerings available to the public. Charlotte, N.C.-based CloudServers.com, which specializes in both Windows and Linux hosting, has made its debut. The IaaS provider is offering a number of features to distinguish itself from competitors.

These include instant provisioning, on-demand scalability, auto-healing technology and secured monthly billing so the pricing remains consistent. The market for IaaS services is currently on fire. There is no question that IaaS comprises the fastest growing segment of the overall cloud computing market, with Gartner (News – Alert) projecting 47.3 percent growth this year…

That will push IaaS, which is typically comprised of cloud compute, storage and print services, from $6.1 billion to a whopping $9 billion. With giants like AWS, Google, Microsoft (News – Alert), AT&T and HP playing in the IaaS space, how will smaller upstarts differentiate their offerings?…

Read more from the source @ http://it.tmcnet.com/topics/it/articles/2013/09/25/354376-iaas-upstart-cloudserverscom-enters-market.htm