Hybrid Cloud Technology? Why You Will Need It.

February 3, 2014 Off By David

Grazed from BitCloud. Author: Editorial Staff.

There’s a lot of noise and hubbub in the cloud computing marketplace, with vendors large and small vigorously promoting their individual cloud offerings, leading to a fair degree of uncertainty and confusion. How much of it is “pie in the sky” as they say? Perhaps a little history can put “the cloud” into perspective before we examine the hybrid cloud concept. Back in the 1970s distributed computers were interconnected via a networking architecture, using telephone circuits that were permanently-connected or dial-up point-to-point lines.

The early 1980s saw the arrival of packet-switched networks (such as X.25), in which the computers were connected more loosely, without permanent point-to-point lines, with the abstraction of dynamic “logical” circuits rather than a direct physical circuit connection for an entire session. Data packets for a message could travel across different circuits at different times, and the packet-switching protocols saw to the proper eventual reassembly of each message at the destination…

Next, in the early 1990s the Internet arose. Within a decade it became immensely popular and ubiquitous—a truly “World Wide Web”–that in network diagrams was typically represented as a squiggly cloud (analogous to the abstraction of the “black box” used earlier for engineering systems). This is (0r was) the first precursor to cloud computing…

Read more from the source @ http://blog.bitcloud.com.au/articles/20140203/hybrid-cloud-technology-%E2%80%94-why-you-will-need-it?src=whatech

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