HubStor Announces New Continuous Backup and Version Control to its Software-based Cloud Storage Platform
November 30, 2018HubStor announced new cloud backup capabilities designed to give enterprise’s better control and protection of their information. First, HubStor unveiled continuous data protection capabilities, empowering organizations to capture file changes as they happen on network-based file systems and within virtual machines. HubStor also added version-control policies to its cloud data management platform, enabling organizations to reduce demand for cloud capacity by condensing the number of file versions held in storage as data ages.
HubStor’s continuous data protection supports monitoring of certain file system directories in order to detect new files and dynamically capture them into HubStor, either as a backup with a very short recovery point objective (RPO) or as a WORM archive for compliance.
There are various methods to monitor for changes on a file system. HubStor’s current approach is agentless. HubStor may add support for other methods based on demand.
Starting with the agentless approach is the simplest because it avoids adding new software. When configuring a file system target in HubStor, enabling CDP is a simple checkbox option. By default, HubStor detects and captures any changes within 30 seconds. This change detection time can be adjusted as needed.
The flexibility of HubStor supports some file connectors having CDP enabled while perhaps others do not, allowing various workloads to be handled differently.
As HubStor captures incremental changes, it builds out a version history for each file and maintains point-in-time awareness in the cloud, allowing you to restore data sets to a known healthy period as would be required in the case of recovery from a ransomware attack.
The challenge with aggressive RPOs and versioning is that you can end up with many versions in your secondary storage for data that is active. For this reason, HubStor now has version control settings that diminish the number of versions held over time as data ages.
Leveraging public cloud infrastructure for backup, archiving, and disaster recovery is an everyday use case propelling the adoption of cloud storage by enterprises. IDC forecasts the ‘data-protection-as-a-service (DPaaS)’ market segment will grow at a CAGR of 16.2% over the next five years.
"HubStor’s momentum continues to be driven by organizations that want a simple path to leveraging cloud storage," said Brad Janes, VP of Product Management, HubStor. "The advantages our customers are achieving by switching to a software-based data management platform are significant in the areas of business agility and data protection, especially when it means moving away from old-style vendor contracts and hardware-centric products."
If you use HubStor to backup your Office 365 tenant, HubStor’s new version control settings are ideal to contain object count growth. For example, a contact in someone’s mailbox may be modified several times in a short period, but a year from now, having only the latest version is probably sufficient.