How to Unleash the Full Potential of Cloud Computing

May 18, 2016 Off By David

Grazed from DZone. Author: Rick Delgado.

You may have already made the switch to cloud computing for your business and think you’re on the right track for optimal performance. However, most businesses are not harnessing the true potential of the cloud. In a survey by The Economist Intelligence Unit and IBM, it was found that only 38% of companies use cloud computing as a leading resource for their businesses. Those who have made it a priority have been able to tap into otherwise unreachable and unaffordable markets, appealing to new audiences and taking part in the latest technology. What more can the cloud do for you, and how are others already taking advantage? Here’s what the cloud provides:

1. Data Analytics For Even Smaller Companies

Budgets have always been the bane of creativity and innovation, especially for smaller companies who wish to take advantage of the tools heavy-hitters are using but are held back because of funds. The cloud offers flexibility to suit smaller companies and their smaller budgets without taking away any of the advantages…

Instead of investing in software, licenses, and equipment, the cloud allows you to pay for what you need—and only what you need. This means smaller businesses such as Etsy can use data analytics to tap into their consumers’ habits, predict current trends, and forecast future interests to tailor their approach to their target audience, all without the price tag of a large venture. As a business of any size, you can do the same—opening a gate to new opportunities or to save on your budget…

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