How To Showcase Your Computer-Based Marketing Prowess

May 7, 2018 Off By David
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The marketing landscape has changed steadily since the inception of the internet and its subsequent ubiquity in the global marketplace. Nowadays, the public consumes the large majority of its media through mobile phones, tablets, laptops and personal computers rather than the printed word. As such, a whole host of new options for marketing products, services and organizations have arisen that make use of this new and malleable medium. Here are some top-class tips for anyone hoping to make a splash on the digital marketing scene, whether it be with savvy social media posts or catchy YouTube jingles. 


The transition from print to digital of the written word might seem un unchanged one, appearing as it does on screens in a similar fashion to how it exists in print. However, this would be to grossly underestimate the function of words on a screen and the ability of anyone with even the most rudimentary knowledge of the workings of Microsoft Word to manipulate the written word, making it more attention-grabbing. 

From bold and underline to the wide variety of fonts available, simple changes in the text can have a profound effect on how it is read and understood. Visual hierarchies of language on a webpage make it easy for computer-literate people to quickly and effortlessly find the information they’re looking for, so schooling yourself on these is imperative for effective textual design on web pages as it is on printed flyers, posters and letters that you can design immaculately on programs such as Adobe InDesign. 


Now that digital media is usually just a reach into one’s pocket away, the possibilities for audio marketing have skyrocketed, whether it’s the adverts that bookend podcasts or the breaks in your Spotify playlist to play marketing material. 

The key to creating absorbing and memorable audio material for marketing purposes rests on two main components; professional recording equipment, and a recognizable, enjoyable theme, jingle or motif. Recording gear is probably best sourced at local recording studios, especially as they’ll be able to mix in all the different sound effects of your choosing. If you’d rather learn these skills alone, then you’ll have to spend a fair bit of money on a top-class microphone. The creative element – deciding on how to hook the ear of your audience – is down to you, though drawing inspiration from previous audio adverts is a good place to start. 


Since the rise of Netflix and other digital TV streaming services, television advertising has taken a plunge in terms of revenue generated. You might have noticed the poor quality of TV adverts you see these days on terrestrial or satellite television. That’s because the internet’s where the money’s at now, and this all starts on YouTube, where pre-video adverts have sky-rocketed in popularity in the past couple of years. Add to that the fact that video is one of the most popular forms of information dissemination in the twenty-first century, and you may know where to invest a lot of your energy. 

Video technology and editing software are getting more and more affordable and far easier to use than it was just five years ago. Investing in the right gear, getting the right team around you, and knowing the benefits of video marketing will mean that you’re best-placed to know what sort of filming and editing to produce. Remember some of the current trends in viral videos, like overlaying text on moving image (thus catering to the auto-play feature on Facebook and other apps) and using simple animation techniques to enthrall an audience, and you’ll go far in video marketing. 


This medium is new to the post-internet age. Once the domain of Myspace and Bebo, now managed by the tech titans of the modern era Facebook, Twitter and Google, social media incorporates all types of shareable content but with one very special property: it has social value. This social value makes anything shared across the social media landscape a commodity of great import because it comes with the endorsement of whoever decided to share it. 

Perhaps you recently shared some content on social media. It’s likely that you didn’t notice you were doing the marketing work for a brand or company that produced the content. The same goes for the sort of product placement that is popular in Instagram influencer circles, not just of Kim Kardashian but of anyone who can raise their profile to the level that it’s seen by hundreds of thousands of people each day. 

And the Rest 

Digital marketing is a huge moneymaker, and it’s impossible to go into immense detail about the other types of new-age marketing out there without doing some significant disservice to another. However, there are some useful and important concepts to get your head around, whether you’re just looking to market for your own business or you’re hoping to get a job in the industry, so you’re scrubbing up on your computer-based marketing methods. 

One thing to be absolutely on top of is the type of algorithmic mechanism that orders Google search results: what’s called Google Analytics. With a basic understanding of how this sort of data analysis service works, you’ll be able to tweak the content you choose to advertise in order to see how it affects the viewer – the consumer – thus developing the sort of quick-fire feedback loop that makes a great marketing campaign. SEO – search engine optimization – is the practical application of this knowledge, and involves a process of producing content that’ll finish as high up in Google’s search results as possible. Implementing SEO techniques can be worth doing, as we are all familiar with the fact that we rarely click past the first few pages of google when searching for anything. 

You may be looking to get involved in the digital marketing industry, or simply looking to pick up some skills to apply to your business, or even in self-promotion, but whatever the reason, polish up that prowess with these easy tips.