How to Minimize Downtime When You Run an Online Store

How to Minimize Downtime When You Run an Online Store

May 29, 2020 Off By David
Object Storage

Downtime can be a minor nuisance in some cases, and something most online businesses have to deal with. But it becomes an issue when downtime is regular and prolonged. At this point, it’s essential that you start looking at what’s going on, and make some correctives immediately. Thankfully, there are tons of things that you can do as a business owner to keep downtime to a minimum and ensure that you can always attend to your clients. Here are a few ways you can minimize downtime when you run an online store.

Have a Solid Backup Plan

Migration should not be a reason for downtime. Storing separate copies of your website will make it accessible if you decide to move it. Once you have a copy, the database can work as usual. There are also tons of solutions to store backup versions, such as cloud solutions, network attached storage, or backup software. Just practicing the habit of backing your data often will help reduce revenue loss.

Have a Maintenance Page Ready

There are some times when you’ll have no choice but to put the site down for maintenance. In this case, the maintenance page will notify both clients and search engines of the maintenance. If possible, try to notify your visitors that scheduled maintenance work will be performed. By doing this and having a dedicated page, you’ll prevent some customers from assuming that your site is down indefinitely.

Opt for Managed IT

If you don’t have a dedicated IT team and still have limited understanding of IT functions, then we strongly suggest you consider going for a managed IT solution. Managed IT services such as Online Computers will allow you to identify downtime issues immediately, and work on getting your website back online as soon as possible.

Sometimes, you may only notice that your site is down once you start hearing from customers. Or, in some cases, you might not be available to keep an eye on your site, and could potentially lose a lot of money because your site was down when you weren’t paying attention.

A managed IT service will give you the peace of mind that your site is always being attended to, and will also allow you to prepare and recover better from debilitating attacks.

Don’t Fall for the Sales Pitch

A lot of hosting companies will claim to offer a 99.99% guarantee, but don’t simply take their word for it. Just conducting a quick Google search on a host’s reputation will give you more than enough information to know if their claims are actually substantiated. Look at reviews from as many independent sources as possible. Another thing that will give you an indication is if the service in question has received some major accolades in the industry.

While it does require some time and effort, countering and preventing downtime doesn’t have to be difficult. It’s about making sure that you monitor your site constantly, and use all the tools and resources that are at your disposal.