How to foster cloud adoption at your company

November 29, 2012 Off By David

Grazed from TechTarget. Author: Adam Riglian.

The task of selling the concept of cloud computing isn’t just for the marketers and executives at major tech companies. A little selling can also help rank-and-file IT employees and business users get the cloud tools they need without running afoul of company brass.

Shadow IT, which refers to the use of hardware or software — often cloud software — without the official permission of the IT department, is potentially harmful, according to Adobe Senior Cloud Engineer Tim Prendergast. Speaking at the Amazon Web Services re:Invent show, Prendergast outlined the best ways to garner support for cloud applications within a company without getting into trouble…

"Cloud blockers are everywhere," he said. "They’re analysts, they’re CEOs, they’re engineers, they’re finance people. Sometimes they’re yourself." Prendergast believes that IT people who want cloud services need to educate the rest of their organization so they can get what they want. He also thinks the cloud-obsessed need to educate themselves as to what types of cloud applications might make the business nervous…

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