How to Capitalize on Private Cloud and Make Money Selling BDR

January 31, 2015 Off By David

Grazed from MSPMentor.  Author: Editorial Staff.

A common belief throughout the IT industry is that public cloud is cheaper. While this is true in some cases, oftentimes the trade-off for a lower upfront price point is spotty customer service, limited features and availability, and lower security thresholds. Where consumers are concerned, these may not be deal-breakers, but businesses need the capabilities, performance and IT security only private cloud
can provide.

For example, some of the key business benefits afforded by private cloud are the “always on” IT security updates and the ability to reallocate resources quickly as the needs of the business evolve. Furthermore, for businesses, switching to private cloud can save time and money because it is less of a hassle and more cost-effective than purchasing or hosting servers and infrastructure equipment…

The benefits of cloud services are opening up opportunities for MSPs and solution providers to expand their businesses and create new revenue streams when they sell and support private cloud solutions as part of their overall service offerings. Earlier this month, the MSPAlliance put a stake in the ground with its 2015 Managed Services Predictions, stating that “the real money is still in private cloud,” and that “2015 could change everything related to private cloud.” …

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