How Storage is Shaping The Cloud Data Center

April 3, 2013 Off By David

Grazed from DataCenterKnowledge. Author: Bill Kleyman.

Several converging trends, such as IT consumerization, increased number of users, more devices and a lot more data, have pushed the storage environment to a new level. Now, these new technologies aren’t only driving the cloud — they’re pushing forward all of the technologies that support cloud computing. At the epicenter of the cloud sits the data center. This is the central point where all information is gathered, and then distributed to other data centers or to the end-user.

Because of these new initiatives and new ways to deliver data, the data center has been forced to evolve to support more agile and scalable platforms. Part of the conversation revolves around unified computing systems, while the other part revolves around something even more specific: storage…

Today’s infrastructure is being tasked with supporting many more applications, users and workloads. Because of this, the storage infrastructure of a data center — especially one that’s cloud-facing — must be adaptable and capable of intelligent data management. So, many storage vendors have evolved their solutions to provide more efficient systems capable of much more to help support these new IT and business demands…

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