How small businesses should be using the cloud

November 3, 2016 Off By David

Grazed from TheRiotAct. Author: Rachel Ziv.

If you’re confused by all this talk of “cloud computing”, you’re not alone. It’s one of those terms that everyone uses, but not a lot of people seem to know what it means. The term has become synonymous with the internet in recent times, and many are proclaiming its wonders and ability to save individuals and businesses a ton of money, time and stress. So … what is it? And how exactly does it work?

Rahul Chawla, tech mastermind from Technowand in Mitchell, has been helping local businesses replace their traditional infrastructure with cloud computing for years. “It’s the way of the future,” says Rahul. “Gone are the days of expensive servers, email exchange and software licenses that only last a few years. You don’t need to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on anti-virus or Microsoft Office software. You don’t even really need to own a powerful computer anymore…

When you’re in the cloud, you’re working online. There are no large servers taking up space in your office, or clunky software programs slowing your computer down. All the data and software is stored on servers at a remote location. And because these servers are dedicated to providing that service, they are, by nature, faster and more secure than anything you would have traditionally had on site.”…

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