How IT can learn to stop worrying and love the cloud

July 11, 2013 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from InfoWorld. Author: Andrew C. Oliver.

I always enjoy talking to my longtime colleague Sacha Labourey. Sacha is a fellow member of the so-called JBoss Mafia and is now founder/CEO of CloudBees, a public PaaS provider. (Full disclosure: My company just announced a partnership with CloudBees.) Sacha always thinks ahead and sums up elegantly what you have on the tip of your tongue, but can’t quite find the words to say.

Recently, we were reviewing some of the challenges surrounding PaaS discussions with what he termed "core IT" — and the resistance offered by middle and upper management. I asked him how to convince them to consider migrating to PaaS. As usual, his answer shocked me at first, but after the call, I realized he was absolutely right. His take: You don’t. PaaS, as it turns out, has other, more willing customers…

The PaaS marketplace
Last year, nearly every PaaS vendor without a production release promised (off the record) that it was about to be announced. I foolishly believed them. Fast-forward a few months short of a year, and they are only starting to announce public availability. There have been some shocking collaborations: Cloudbees and Google, Red Hat and Google, and so on…

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