How Cloud Computing Benefits Your Company

October 7, 2013 Off By David

Grazed from SmartDataCollective. Author: Asher Ross.

The benefits of the cloud, such as lower costs, scalability and flexibility, are numerous. But while SMEs have enthusiastically embraced the cloud, large companies have been more reluctant to invest in this technology. It’s time for change: the cloud has advantages for the company and also of greater magnitude will see CIOs essential as a way to secure the future of their organizations.

CIOs are increasingly warming to the cloud. A survey in May this year by the analyst firm Research found that 92 percent of CIOs and IT professionals think the cloud is good for business. The same survey also found that only 31 percent of companies that describe their infrastructure is mainly based on the cloud, indicating a rejection among most organizations to take positive steps towards cloud adoption. Seems that if larger the company, the greater the resistance…

However, this view is wrong. Cloud computing offers many advantages to the company. The technology provides more flexibility, lower costs, greater scalability, ease of use and, if done correctly, increased security and disaster recovery. This applies equally to small and large companies – but there is no doubt that the latter moving to the cloud is more difficult…

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