How big is cloud’s impact? Depends on who’s asking

April 27, 2013 Off By David

Grazed from NetworkWorld.  Author: Brandon Butler.

Is cloud computing really catching on in the enterprise? Well, that depends on who you talk to, recent surveys have found.  RightScale, a company that acts a broker between end users and public cloud service providers, released the most recent results of its annual State of the Cloud report and found that about 75% of respondents surveyed were using the cloud in some capacity.

CEO Michael Crandell says his company’s evidence shows the users are becoming more comfortable using the cloud. About a year and a half ago pundits spoke about the technology being in an adolescent stage, he says: "We’re getting to see what the cloud looks like when it grows up now and becomes a young adult."…

But 70% of organizations using the cloud seems like a lot to some people, such as Forrester Research cloud guru James Staten. A Forrester developers survey found quite different results from RightScale, in fact just about the opposite: 70% of developers surveyed had not used cloud computing in an official capacity at their business…

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