Hightail Joins Cloud Security Alliance

May 6, 2014 Off By David

Grazed from MarketWire. Author: PR Announcement.

Leading file sharing service Hightail today announced that it has joined the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA), a not-for-profit organization with a mission to promote the use of best practices for providing security assurance within Cloud Computing, and to provide education on the uses of Cloud Computing to help secure all other forms of computing. In addition to joining the CSA, Hightail was invited to join the Skyhigh CloudTrust™ Program and awarded the Enterprise-Readiness rating for fully satisfying the most stringent requirements for data protection, identity verification, service security, business practices, legal protection, and enterprise-readiness, developed in conjunction with the CSA.

Hightail has been working in the cloud since 2004, when it was known as YouSendIt and provided a secure way to send the large files that email couldn’t handle. The company has expanded to provide professional users and businesses with a range of services, including folder sharing, mobile access and e-signatures. Data security has always been a priority for Hightail, from back-end encryption and account administration tools, to the personal controls that individual users can apply when sharing files and folders…

"We’re always thinking about cloud security and not just at a practical level," said Matthew Bateman, Hightail information security architect. "Looking at issues from a broader perspective is essential to continually provide our customers with the robust infrastructure and applications they require. Joining the Cloud Security Alliance and receiving the CloudTrust Enterprise-Ready rating helps us ensure we’re getting the whole picture, while we can contribute insights and leadership based on our nearly 10 years in the cloud industry."

"We’re delighted that Hightail has joined the Cloud Security Alliance," added Jim Reavis, CEO of the CSA. "The company’s experience and thought-leadership on the subject of cloud security will help us in our mission to promote secure cloud computing."

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