Hey, You, Get Off of My Cloud! Cloud Security Basics

December 17, 2014 Off By David

Grazed from Business2Community. Author: Christina Heath.

Lately, it seems like everyone is “in the cloud”; big corporations, small businesses–you name it. But as we’ve learned time and time again, great technological advances don’t come without security risks. Though it’s quickly been adopted by organizations all over the spectrum, cloud computing is still a fairly new concept and, as with anything new in our technological age, it can take a while for security measures and legal policies to catch up. For now, that means it’s your job to make sure your information, and that of your customers, is protected.

Defining the Cloud and its Security Concerns

At its core, cloud computing involves using a network of remote Internet servers to store and manage data. Working in the cloud allows multiple users to access the same information and pool resources in real time. It eliminates the much greater security risks of thumb drives or email attachments and makes data and documents easily accessible from anywhere, unlike information stored on a PC or local server…

The cloud isn’t without its drawbacks, though. Of the top nine cloud security threats identified by the Cloud Security Alliance, or CSA, three threats top the list as the greatest concerns: data breaches, data loss, and account hijacking. Fortunately, there are ways to protect your valuable data…

Read more from the source @ http://www.business2community.com/tech-gadgets/hey-get-cloud-cloud-security-basics-01094011#4eAXYBtjv1QzosmU.99