Hey Google, it’s time for a real cloud strategy

July 28, 2015 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from InfoWorld.  Author: Eric Knorr.

We can all agree that there are three IaaS leaders in the cloud: Amazon, Microsoft, and Google. Right?  It depends on how you look at it. Without question, Amazon maintains a very long lead — and it’s the only playertransparent enough to break out its cloud revenue in detail, with AWS Q2 sales up 81 percent year over year. Microsoft throws in Office 365 revenue, which is not strictly cloud money, but it’s clearly the No. 2 player and now sees the cloud as the most important part of its business going forward.

Yet where the heck is Google? The company doesn’t break out its cloud revenue at all. Microsoft and IBM aren’t terribly transparent on this score, either, but according to last week’s Q2 estimate from Synergy Research Group, each make more money from cloud infrastructure services than Google. After all, they have the leverage to push big existing enterprise customers to their clouds…

By contrast, the vast majority of Google Cloud Platform customers appears to be cloud startups. The biggest success stories are SnapChat and Khan Academy, both built on the Google App Engine PaaS…

Read more from the source @ http://www.infoworld.com/article/2952487/cloud-computing/hey-google-its-time-for-a-real-cloud-strategy.html