Heirloom Computing Helps SaaS-Enable Mission-Critical Apps

January 8, 2013 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from TalkinCloud. Author: Chris Talbot.

Quickly and easily taking existing software into the cloud and modernizing it as SaaS applications is a hot topic for businesses of all sizes. Heirloom Computing is hoping to make it simpler for enterprises to take their mission-critical applications and both SaaS-enable and modernize them, giving customers the ability to run their legacy software while still receiving the benefits of cloud computing.

GOPaaS is a new service from Heirloom that offers companies a way to host existing legacy applications in the cloud. According to the vendor, customers can move mission-critical apps to the cloud by using the service without having to rewrite code or build a new app from scratch. That’s pretty much what every business wants, as it takes time, effort and resources to write new applications to replace existing apps that are already doing the job…

Heirloom specializes in migrating existing legacy applications to the cloud. The company recently announced an expansion in which it took its Enterprise Legacy PaaS service to the Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) market. The PaaS aids enterprises in taking legacy code and migrating it to the cloud so businesses can get the benefits of this new era of IT infrastructure and services both in cost-effectiveness and usability…

Read more from the source @ http://talkincloud.com/paas/heirloom-computing-helps-saas-enable-mission-critical-apps