Has Cloud Computing Been a Failed Revolution?

June 4, 2014 Off By David

Grazed from CIO. Author: Bernard Golden.

Speaking at a recent conference, Salesforce.com’s Peter Coffee put up a provocative slide: The number of Google searches for the term "cloud computing." It proves, he says, that people no longer find cloud computing compelling. You might be tempted to think that people aren’t interested in cloud computing because they’ve got it all figured out and have moved on to new challenges.

The reduced lack of interest in cloud computing notwithstanding, I certainly don’t think that cloud computing adoption is finished. Far from it. In fact, I’d say most IT organizations have barely started working with cloud computing, much less completed their journey.
Gartner’s Lydia Leong echoed this perspective in a couple funny tweets, plaintively noting that, far from being finished with cloud implementations, many IT personnel don’t even really understand cloud computing…

When It Comes to Cloud Computing, Most Companies Aren’t Trying

As Leong notes, many IT organizations fail to understand the key characteristics of cloud computing and, as a result, fall far short of actually operating real cloud environments. While she didn’t detail the issues she found in the discussions she’s had with IT professionals, I’d bet they revolve around clients failing to grasp the importance of self-service, easy elasticity and resource usage-based billing…

Read more from the source @ http://www.cio.com/article/753718/Has_Cloud_Computing_Been_a_Failed_Revolution_