GridGain Control Center Now Available as a Cloud Service

May 25, 2021 Off By David
Object Storage

GridGain Systems announced that an enhanced version of GridGain Control Center is available as a cloud service on a subscription basis. GridGain Control Center SaaS is another step by GridGain to move more of its solutions to the cloud to support accelerated cloud migration by customers. While GridGain Nebula, released last year, is a fully managed service for Ignite and GridGain, Control Center SaaS is a cloud-native solution for operations teams that prefer to manage their production environments. A free 30-day trial of Control Center SaaS is available on the GridGain website.

GridGain Control Center is a comprehensive troubleshooting, management and monitoring solution for the GridGain platform and Apache Ignite, which run on a distributed cluster of servers. Troubleshooting and managing these distributed clusters can be demanding, and Control Center simplifies key tasks to help developers and operations teams be more productive building, managing and optimizing applications on these platforms. GridGain Control Center as a cloud service enables customers to manage compute clusters that are deployed across single or multi-cloud services, on-premises and hybrid environments.

“As the migration of infrastructure to the cloud accelerates, we are seeing more customers deploy Apache Ignite and the GridGain platform across their cloud environments, increasingly taking advantage of GridGain Control Center and the GridGain Nebula managed service,” said Greg Stachnick, Director of Cloud Product Management, GridGain Systems. “As a result, we continue to invest in new GridGain offerings, such as Control Center SaaS, to better enable customers to achieve the speed and scale required by their most demanding applications.”

Control Center greatly simplifies Ignite and GridGain platform-specific troubleshooting and management tasks. These include debugging SQL performance bottlenecks, tracing performance of operations under load, simplifying data backup and recovery, and proactively managing data skews to optimize cluster utilization. In addition, Control Center performs routine monitoring tasks, such as tracking cluster metrics via customizable dashboards and setting up alerts.

The new Teams feature enables a group of users to form a team and share configuration resources, allowing Control Center to be used as a standalone observability platform. In addition, Control Center can complement existing observability solutions, such as Zabbix or Prometheus, providing additional contextual information that helps troubleshooters quickly understand the root cause and fix the underlying problem.

Feature Summary

  • Customizable, intuitive dashboard
  • User-defined production alerts
  • Query development tools
  • Active tracing and root cause analysis
  • Disaster recovery and backup management
  • Monitoring of rolling upgrades and cluster rebalancing
  • Simple configuration of Apache Ignite clusters

A free 30-day trial of GridGain Control Center SaaS is available on the GridGain website. After the free trial, the service is available on a subscription basis, billed either monthly or annually based on the number of cluster nodes to be managed and monitored.