Grid Vs. Cloud: Earn Bitcoin By Monitoring Environmental Data

May 27, 2016 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from CryptoCoinsNews. Author: Editorial Staff.

The grid refers to a group of heterogeneous machines in offices and homes that different economic actors manage. The cloud refers to the homogenous servers in data centers that single entities like Google or Amazon manage. Since the launch of Amazon Web Services, the cloud has been the better-known of the two paradigms (cloud and grid) and will continue to be for the foreseeable future.

What Hinders The Grid?

The grid concept has existed for decades, but it has not been adopted widely. The two best large-scale grid computing applications are SETI@Home and Folding@Home. These are academic projects that essentially “pay” status to a distributed network of volunteer computers by displaying a leaderboard of the top compute time contributors…

Grid computing is hampered by the absence of a workable micropayments system, according to one hypothesis. It was hard to have automated, speedy, global payments before digital currency came into existence…

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