Green Cloud Computing Benefits Midsized Firms

August 7, 2013 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from Midsize Insider. Author: Marissa Tejada.

Midsize firms often turn to cloud computing for increased efficiency, and this move is now proving to help the environment at the same time. A new study shows that the cloud is reducing energy use annually by 80 percent at both public and private companies thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions. These green traits are proving to be a big plus for midsize firms.

Reducing Dependence

A global green IT association called The Global e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI), recently released a study in cooperation with Harvard University, Imperial College, Reading University, and Microsoft Europe entitled "The Enabling Technologies of a Low-Carbon Economy – a Focus on Cloud Computing." The study, featured in the Cloud Times, found that as more companies utilize the cloud, the U.S. will reduce its energy dependence and save $2.2 billion in energy costs…

The study also found that the cloud has the potential to lower greenhouse gas emissions by an impressive 95 percent. GeSI’s study points out that cost savings can also help to focus attention on policy changes that can accelerate cloud adoption, especially in growing markets…

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