Google one-downs Amazon with new cloud price cuts

May 18, 2015 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from InfoWorld. Author: Serdar Yegulalp.

The race to the bottom in cloud computing continues apace, and Google’s doing its best to plummet the fastest. The latest Google Cloud Platform revisions have cut prices between 5 and 30 percent for various virtual machine configuration types. Plus, there’s a new VM type, called Preemptible VMs, that seems specifically designed to put pressure on Amazon.

According to the official Google Cloud Platform blog, the current round of price reductions cuts the cost of a U.S.-based Standard instance by 20 percent, and a Micro instance by 30 percent, with similar price reductions set for Europe and Asia. Google’s pushing the whole package of cost reductions — including automatic discounts and per-minute billing — as a 40 percent cost reduction for common workloads over the competition…

Despite Google’s claims, most people are only likely to see savings in the 20-30 percent range, since around 14 percent of the reduction is not due to actual core cost reductions but things like projected savings from per-minute billing…

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