Google Head of Enterprise to join speaker line-up at the 2nd Cloud Computing World Forum Asia
July 22, 2011It can be announced that Eric Yee, Head of Enterprise Sales at Google Greater China will be joining the list of prestigious speakers at the 2nd Cloud Computing World Forum Asia, taking place on the 30th November and 1st December at the Mira, Hong Kong.
As the Head of Enterprise, Eric is responsible for leading Google Enterprise business (Google Apps, Search, Geospatial solutions – Google Maps, Google Earth) for the Greater China region. Eric has twelve years’ experience in the technology industry, primarily in Sales, Strategy, Change Management, and Solution Development. Prior to joining Google, he has held leadership positions for Oracle in Hong Kong, Australia, and the US across multiple industries.
Eric joins a list of other leading speakers including:
– Sunny Lee, CIO, Hong Kong Jockey Club
– David Herridge, Head of IT, Adidas Global Sourcing
– Anna Gamvros, Special Counsel, Technology Media and Telecommunications Group, Baker & McKenzie
– Pack Ling, CIO, Greater China, GE China
– Victor Lam, Deputy Government Chief Information Officer, Government of Hong Kong
– Dr Steve Hodgkinson, Research Director Public Sector, OVUM
– Maverik (Mingjie) He, Senior Vice President, Kingfisher IT Services
– Henk ten Bos, Chief Information Officer, Ageas Insurance Company (Asia) Limited
– Kevin Bong, Head of IT Infrastructure, Information Technology, Asia, AECOM
– Michael Mudd, Regional Representative, Asia – Pacific, The Open Computing Alliance
– Gabriel Leung, Executive Committee Member, Hong Kong Information Technology Joint Council (HKITJC)
– Eric Tsui, Knowledge Management Research Centre, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
– Patrick Raths, Director IT, Swiss Reinsurance Company
The 2nd Cloud Computing World Forum Asia follows on from the Cloud Computing World Forum Asia that took place last year in Hong Kong, and was attended by over 500 industry delegates. It is expected that over 700 IT decision-makers will be present at this year’s event.
The conference will address the current state of the market, the business value of cloud and SaaS, and deployment strategies and integration techniques, while looking at the future of the Cloud Computing and SaaS industry in both Asia and on a global scale.
Co-located with the event will be the CDN World Forum Asia, this conference follows on from the CDN World Forum which took place in June 2011 at Olympia, London. The CDN World Forum Asia will look at the current marketplace with present and future business models on display.
The event will focus on implementation strategies with best practice and benchmarking approaches. The CDN World Forum Asia will also define the link between Cloud Computing and Content Delivery Networks.
Both events will feature a free-to-attend exhibition where cloud computing’s top players will showcase their products. To register your place please visit the website or call +44 (0)845 519 1230.
For further information on speaking opportunities, sponsorship and exhibition options, please contact the Keynote team or email
The 2nd Cloud Computing World Forum Asia is part of a worldwide series of events with conference in London, New York, Brazil, India and Dubai, for information regarding any of these events please visit:
The Cloud Computing World Series is produced by Keynote World Media, a leading business media company with the aim of informing markets and bringing the world’s buyers and sellers together.