Going Cloud-First as an Enterprise Strategy

January 25, 2016 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from NoJitter.  Author: Vadym Fedorov.

Among the Google results for "cloud trends 2016," spotting a repeatedly mentioned prediction for this year doesn’t take long: the growing popularity of the so-called "cloud-first strategy, which, in turn, is expected to accelerate enterprise cloud adoption. So what is this cloud-first strategy about, and what is its role in the cloud market?

Cloud-first is a fairly self-explanatory business strategy built around the primary goal of reducing IT costs by leveraging the benefits of using shared infrastructure and paying only for resources consumed. However, everything has its pros and cons: Apart from substantial business benefits, the strategy encounters certain risks on the way to the eventual positive outcomes. That’s exactly what defines the three key trends driving cloud computing in 2016: the motive to get value from the cloud-first strategy, risk mitigation, and reduced time to value…

Growth of Cloud Adoption

Since modern business dictates a need to move to the cloud, cloud providers are offering a range of appealing services. Both sides (provider and client) invest significant resources in the cloud migration and new service development with the goal of easing the migration process. This tendency presupposes that a growing number of enterprises will opt for cloud…

Read more from the source @ www.nojitter.com/post/240171222/going-cloudfirst-as-an-enterprise-strategy