Go Daddy Launches IPv6 Virtual Dedicated Hosting

June 7, 2012 Off By David
Grazed from GoDaddy.  Author: PR Announcement

Go Daddy celebrates World IPv6 Launch and announces IPv6-enabled Linux Virtual Dedicated Servers. This new offering is providing a dual-stack VPS Hosting solution for customers to be prepared for the IPv6 changeover.

Every device connected to the Internet needs an IP address. Be it a personal computer, a mobile phone, a tablet or a thousand servers in an enterprise network, every item online needs a unique identifier. The current solution, IPv4, is running out of addresses for each device. With Internet traffic projected to quadruple between 2010 and 2015, IPv6 enabled services are vital to the continued growth of the Web.

“Go Daddy wants to make sure our customers stay ahead of the technology curve,” said Go Daddy CEO Warren Adelman. “Our customers view us as their IT partner, so we want to make sure the transition to IPv6 is seamless.”

Prior to launching Linux VPS Hosting, Go Daddy had been upgrading its systems to account for the eventual IPv6 deployment. Since October 2007 Go Daddy has completed a number of IPv6 related initiatives, including support for IPv6 AAAA records, Glue records, Dual Stack DNS for customers’ domain names and enabling redundant IPv6 transit from multiple providers.

“Deploying IPv6 ensures the Internet continues to grow and is essential for businesses that want to grow with it,” said Leslie Daigle, Chief Internet Technology Officer at the Internet Society, which is hosting World IPv6 Launch. “After 20 years of development and increasing deployment around the world, IPv6 is ready for business now and, with World IPv6 Launch, IPv6 is the ‘new normal’ for the global Internet. It’s great to see companies like Go Daddy providing customers with an easy way to deploy IPv6 for their services.”

This transition couldn’t happen overnight. Go Daddy handles more than 10 Billion DNS queries daily, has more than 5 million hosted websites and more than 53 million domain names under management, so there is a tremendous amount of work and effort required to provide dependable IPv6 support.

“Deploying IPv6 is like upgrading the Internet,” Go Daddy CTO Wayne Thayer states in a blog post about Go Daddy’s IPv6 Transition. “Last year, Go Daddy enabled queries over IPv6 for the tens of millions of DNS zones that we host. Since DNS is used to resolve virtually every website on the Internet, IPv6 support is a key component of the overall move to IPv6.”

To learn more about IPv6 Launch Day, visit www.WorldIPv6Launch.org.