Get off my cloud: when privacy laws meet cloud computing

March 11, 2014 Off By David

Grazed from TheConversation. AuthorL Jake Goldenfein.

The growth of cloud computing has revolutionised the way that information is produced, stored, processed and consumed, with privacy laws sometimes failing to keep up. From March 12, 2014, changes to Australia’s Privacy Act will impose new obligations on companies that collect and process personal information, including those that operate in the cloud.

Cloud computing involves using technical infrastructure, controlled by another party, to store information or data. As well as data storage, some cloud services include features that trade on the personal information they generate. For example, online services like Facebook, Gmail, and other Google offerings remain “free”, but users must provide personal information to obtain access…

The data transmitted through these entities may be subject to increased movement between organisations, increasing exposure to processes like data matching and mining…

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