FAQ: Inside Microsoft’s cloud ERP strategy

March 21, 2013 Off By David

Grazed from InfoWorld. Author: Chris Kanaracus.

Microsoft has announced some key details of how it will introduce Dynamics ERP (enterprise resource planning) software products to the cloud computing model, from initial release dates to the precise role of partners.

Dynamics NAV 2013 and GP 2013, both of which cater to smaller and midsized companies, will be available on Microsoft’s Azure cloud service through partners in June, Microsoft announced this week at the Convergence conference in New Orleans. Microsoft also affirmed that the next major version of AX, its enterprise-focused product, will be available on Azure…

Here’s a look at some of the biggest questions raised by those announcements. Partners have long hosted Dynamics software and made their own data center optimizations, so what do they stand to gain, as well as lose, from the Azure deployment option? "It’s all the things you can expect from an enterprise-grade cloud service," namely "stability, protection, security and the ability to scale and grow," said Kirill Tatarinov, president of Microsoft’s Business Solutions division, in an interview at Convergence. "Azure is elastic. The fact they can grow without adding servers is huge for them."…

Read more from the source @ http://www.infoworld.com/d/cloud-computing/faq-inside-microsofts-cloud-erp-strategy-214939