Expedient and Intel Create First-of-Its-Kind Cloud Computing Resource Center

June 28, 2013 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from PR NewsWire.  Author: PR Announcement.

Expedient announced that they have collaborated with industry leader, Intel, on a new cloud computing resource center called "The Cloud Calculator": www.thecloudcalculator.com.  The resource center aids IT professionals by providing research and tools for ensuring the right solution from the cloud and its related infrastructure technologies.  Using industry best practices, the site helps the user design a cloud computing environment and forecasts the total cost of ownership ("TCO").

To help IT professionals determine TCO, the site includes a variety of cloud calculators that span from "building a cloud environment versus buying services" to determining how much storage will be consumed for backups based on your retention policies. There is also an expansive Cloud Computing research library filled with whitepapers, videos and case studies…

"We created the site because industry professionals need a place that contains all the necessary aggregated data for decision making," stated Bryan Smith, Vice President, Expedient.  "There was no place to go for customizable information based on actual computing needs.  The demand for data centers and cloud computing is only increasing. In fact, it’s growing at a record rate, thanks to big data and first time outsourcers. As the cloud advances, "The Cloud Calculator" will help keep you up to date on new trends."