Even the Tech-Savviest Struggle With Cloud-Based Business Models: Study

April 24, 2012 Off By David
Grazed from Forbes.  Author: Joe McKendrick.

If you are still somewhat in the dark as to how to move forward with cloud computing, don’t feel so bad. Even high-tech companies are still fumbling their way along with the new cloud business model.

Cloud computing offers an interesting value proposition to businesses of all stripes because it offers cheaper technology resources and greater flexibility. But that’s only half the story.  Every company also has the potential to become a cloud services provider as well as a cloud services consumer.  If you run a ball-bearing factory, and you have a private cloud and extend some online capabilities to members of your supply chain — such as checking your inventory levels or something more complex such as running product simulations — you are a service provider…

But moving to such a new business model doesn’t happen overnight, and requires a lot of organizational work to deliver. And IT managers need to step up and take a leadership role at the business level. A new study out of Accenture finds even the most tech-savvy companies on the planet — who should know a thing or two about cloud by now — are still struggling to get things right.

Tech-oriented companies provide an interesting proving ground for the two-way model cloud computing brings about. These companies, whether they provide hardware or software, are expected to be cloud-savvy providers of their services because it’s what they do. But the Accenture research finds even the tech companies are still struggling to move away from their traditional business models of shipping hardware products or packaged software.

The study, based on in-depth interviews with 40 senior executives from 30 companies that operate, or are building, Software-as-a-Service, Platform-as-a-Service or Infrastructure-as-a-Service cloud-based businesses (identified collectively as XaaS, or “anything as a service”), finds a great deal of confusion and uncertainty about how to create approaches to successfully scale and operationalize these new cloud-based business models.

“Our research confirmed that virtually all companies are struggling to deal with the operational complexity caused by XaaS, and by new business models more broadly,” according to Tim Jellison, Dave Sovie and Sam Glick, all with Accenture and co-authors of the study. “The reality is that building the new XaaS capabilities required to succeed and embracing a services-centric mentality is hard work that touches every corporate function. We found that in most cases the launch of new XaaS businesses far outpaces a company’s operational ability to deliver and scale.”

Of course, IT companies have a huge stake in being able to deliver cloud services in the very near future. The disconnect between operationalizing cloud across business areas and delivering cloud services will become increasingly important because most leading technology firms expect to generate revenue growth through multiple channels by 2015, several of which are likely to be based on cloud, the research says.

As the general manager of a cloud business unit explained so succinctly to the Accenture researchers:  “We are going 100 mph and the cliff is 10 miles away. We go ‘kaboom’ in just a few quarters unless we get our operations functioning quickly.”

Again, the lessons IT companies learn — often painful lessons — will be instructive to all types of companies within the next several years as well as resident IT functions are extended beyond the walls of the enterprise.

Interestingly, the study profiles the work of a healthcare services and information company, McKesson, as it transformed services to XaaS offerings. The company was under pressure from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) to provide more integrated and digitized healthcare services. Through McKesson Technology Solutions (MTS), the company’s applications and services arm, the company opened its IT operations to greater innovation and participation from the business.  MTS’ RelayHealth offers secure connectivity solutions to streamline clinical, financial, and administrative communications among patients, providers, pharmacies, and payers. “RelayHealth has its own business model and operating model, but it is also part of a larger company, so decisions have to be made with an eye toward what’s best for our customers, our business unit, and McKesson overall,” said Jim Bodenbender, president of RelayHealth Connectivity Solutions. “I have to be asking, ‘What do we do to create synergy and better position McKesson for the long term?’ But at the same time, we have to be able to push back on things that slow us down and/or impede our ability to accomplish our goals.”

As demonstrated in the McKesson example, the Accenture report discusses the growing importance and leadership IT managers need to deliver to make an XaaS businesses successful, “moving from a back-office support function to the market-facing operational foundation for the entire customer experience.” As Jellison, Sovie and Glick state, this shift often requires “an entirely new set of capabilities, including data center operations, more sophisticated network and backbone connectivity management, and delivery against a much more stringent set of SLAs (typically four or five 9s reliability).”

Just as important is the ability to be able to broker such services from other third-party cloud providers when not available (or wanted) on-premises, essentially passing these capabilities through to targeted markets or user groups.

Coordination between various business units is also essential, not only to avoid duplicated IT investments, but also offering duplicate XaaS services to the market, the study adds.

Ultimately, a lot of creativity and innovative thinking is needed to make the transformation to service provider, the study’s authors conclude. This may require more of a “skunkworks” approach, at least initially to avoid organizational calcification. As one cloud business unit general manager told them: “We formed a shadow IT and operations group to take over, on a prototype basis, and to play around with things that the operational group was finding too hard to do. We then proved what could be done and pulled in the main operations group.”