Email marketing strategy ‘needs to be set out early’

April 11, 2011 Off By David
Object Storage
Grazed from Experian QAS.  Author: James Glass.

Individuals need to set out what their goals are in order to take full advantage of an email marketing strategy.

Georgia Christian, writing on the Biz Community website, noted the practice needs to be about more than raising brand awareness, as despite being around for ten years, it still offers brilliant return on investment.

She added the frequency of a campaign is "hugely relevant", as companies should be looking to get the right amount of coverage to their customers, without saturating them.

The specialist observed organisations need to see what promotions they can have prepared in advance, such as those centred around celebrations like Easter or Christmas.

"Different functions generally require different email formats and content, which is why it’s important that you determine the purpose of each campaign and then think about the message [it needs]," Ms Christian remarked.

Last week, Sebastian Dyer, a columnist for the Technorati website, said social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter are leaving email marketers requiring sophisticated strategies.