Eight Cloud Storage Pitfalls to Avoid

April 21, 2013 Off By David

Grazed from Enterprise Storage Forum.  Author: Drew Robb.

The race to the cloud is on. Companies are falling over themselves to get onto the cloud, much the same as they rushed headlong onto the Internet in the nineties. Of course, many of the early websites and e-commerce outfits were complete duds, which offers a warning for those eager to adopt cloud computing.  So here are some cloud storage pitfalls to watch out for—rather than just trying to set an Olympic record for getting yourself on the cloud.

1. Are Interfaces Compatible?

Although cloud storage brings the obvious benefits of pay-as-you-go storage, businesses using traditional storage systems may find a number of surprises once they deploy cloud storage. A big one is interface incompatibility.  “Cloud storage employs object-based interfaces, which are not compatible with today’s applications,” warned Nicos Vekiarides, CEO of TwinStrata…

2. Can You Move Data Easily?

Packing all your data into one big, cheap amorphous cloud may seem to make economic sense. But it isn’t necessarily smart from a disaster recovery (DR) perspective.  “Most cloud providers have no incentive to make it easier to move data for DR purposes,” said Vekiarides. “It’s against their best interests to encourage data mobility between clouds as part of a DR replication strategy.”…

Read more from the source @  http://www.enterprisestorageforum.com/storage-services/eight-cloud-storage-pitfalls-to-avoid.html