Does The Flat Model Offer Enough Security In Cloud Computing?

September 20, 2012 Off By David

Grazed from CloudTweaks. Author: John Omwamba.

The kind of network model that one employs to compile, distribute and exchange data determines the security of its passage through the Internet. This brings the question of whether the flat model can serve as the best security option for cloud computing. This model, first of all, helps to create a more direct relationship between the data provider and the recipient compared to tiered structures. Tiered structures are networks that have not only the access and the core but other integrated endpoints within the distribution path. The flat system only has the access and end points. It virtually eliminates the necessity of intermediaries, which leads to fast and more reliable information retrieval.

The basic question is: is it still the way to go when thinking about cloud security?…

Security in flat cloud

The tiered networks, for one, have always relied on data providers to install safety measures. They cut access to data that is considered a threat through firewalls and such. The flat model has only the gadgets/equipment in use to blame for anything that happens during the information migration…

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