Developers’ new role: hold the enterprise’s hand with cloud computing

July 3, 2015 Off By David

Grazed from ZDNet. Author: Joe McKendrick.

Ultimately, decisions around cloud application or platform development and adoption are driven by the business. But the people bringing cloud in and enlightening their enterprises are the "developer visionaries" who understand the implications it brings to businesses, as well as keeping the whole thing from becoming a tangled, hairy and expensive mess.

That’s one of the takeaways from a new report issued by Technology Business Research (TBR), which states that as cloud becomes a greater part of business technology infrastructures, business-side managers are increasingly getting involved in development decisions. In the process, the role of developers is being elevated, from a "coder" persona to that of consultant to business management…

Using cloud platforms such as Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, or IBM SoftLayer may take away much of the pain of maintaining on-premises systems, but selecting, configuring, provisioning and working with these services still takes technical acumen. Spinning up servers on AWS and calling APIs may be second-nature to developers, but black magic to business executives…

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