Dell joins the Cloud Industry Forum

October 5, 2011 Off By David
Grazed from RealWire.  Author: PR Announcement.

Dell has furthered its dedication to cloud computing, announcing today that it has joined the UK Cloud Industry Forum (CIF), the body established to promote trust, security and transparency within the cloud technology marketplace.  The move demonstrates growth around Dell’s Cloud Computing Solutions portfolio, offering customisation to meet the needs of hyperscale data centres around the world…

With cloud set to change the business IT landscape in what is becoming an increasingly Virtual Era, Dell has invested over $1bn globally to deliver solutions, services and cloud-based options to help customers capture the benefits from new compute and information delivery advances.  Dell has been active in the cloud market for quite some time, offering open, capable and affordable solutions across hardware and services.  Its cloud hardware solutions help business speed deployment, lower total cost of ownership and reduce the environmental impact of clouds. Dell’s Data Centre Solutions team has developed more than 19 different hardware platforms, which are already used by some of the largest cloud services providers in the world.

“Cloud computing offers vast scalability and flexibility, and because of this, it is becoming a central part of business IT strategy for both start-ups and large enterprises alike,” said Bryan Jones, Executive Director, Public and Large Enterprise, Dell EMEA. “Like with any traditional technology, customers expect the cloud to demonstrate transparency, capability and accountability, and we are confident that our robust and specialised solutions offer the stability needed to encourage businesses to work closely with cloud service providers to become more efficient.”

Jones continued, “At Dell, we build infrastructures that enable control, manageability and security balanced with high performance, allowing cloud service providers to operate efficiently and reliably online.  We recognise CIF’s Code of Practice as an important part of industry self-regulation and are delighted to work with CIF to encourage and achieve best practice.”

Andy Burton, Chairman of the Cloud Industry Forum, added: “Having a major technology player like Dell commit to joining the Cloud Industry Forum really reinforces just how imperative Cloud has become to the future vision of the technology industry. We are delighted to have Dell on board and believe that its participation will strengthen the imperative of cloud service providers to assess their efforts and aim towards providing transparency and reliability around operations. The move also acknowledges the credibility of our Code of Practice and what this means for innovation and developments in the Cloud. Gaining the public support of Dell is an important milestone for CIF in its aim of assisting end users in differentiating the real credible and professional service providers and innovators in the industry from those who are not.  The Cloud Industry is young, progressive and a real enabler for competitive advantage in business transformation, and Dell’s membership and shared vision is a welcome positive move for the market.”