Dell and Internet2 NET+ Services Increase Access to Research Computing and Enable Discovery with Cloud Services

April 24, 2012 Off By David
Object Storage
Grazed from Business Wire.  Author: PR Announcement.

Dell is working with Clemson University to provide more Internet2 institutions and organizations access to high performance research computing technology, responding to the Obama administration’s Big Data R & D Initiative and a continued commitment to the global research community. Scientific research requires intensive computation capabilities to help solve complex, and many times life-saving issues. Dell and Clemson University will support members with cloud-based research computing solutions and services that can efficiently meet these demands.

Dell and Internet2’s NET+ Services program will provide high performance computing solutions and services that support the next generation of collaborative research and simplify research computing from the desktop to the datacenter including:…

  • Dell Virtual Desktop as a Service;
  • Dell Cloud with VMware vCloud Datacenter Service; and
  • Dell Virtual Private Cloud (VPDC) Services offering customers a dedicated by the blade virtual data center service where customer specific applications and infrastructure can be configured and managed in a custom environment.

Working with Internet2 and other national research and education networks, Dell will continue to collaborate with the global research and education community to advance innovation around big data and research storage services, open source frameworks for research, academic and administrative initiatives facing institutions today.

In a parallel effort, Janet, the United Kingdom’s research and education network, has chosen Dell as a leading supplier of cloud and data center services for its new dedicated procurement framework. Dell will offer Infrastructure as a Service and Software as a Service through the new framework, as well as comprehensive IT outsourcing services from its UK data center, including security storage and platform services. Dell Virtual Desktop as a Service and Dell Cloud with VMware VCloud Datacenter Services will also be available to Janet network members later this year.

These initiatives support Dell’s long-standing commitment to the education community, as evidenced by Gartner’s recent rankings. In the education sector, Gartner ranks Dell first worldwide for hardware support, second for IT services and third for IT outsourcing based on 2011 revenue.


John Mullen, vice president and general manager for education, state and local government, Dell

“The US invests 2.68 percent of its GDP on publicly-funded research and development and is second only to Japan in research and development investment. It is clear that academic communities and research institutions are helping to lead these efforts and drive innovation. Dell is pleased to offer its industry leading solutions including cloud and virtualization services and continuing our partnership with the Internet2 community to even further enable the next generation of discovery.”

Jim Bottum, chief information officer and vice provost for computing & information technology, Clemson University

“Clemson and Dell are establishing a groundbreaking partnership that extends Dell’s community-based management model empowering the research and education community. This partnership is a first step in pulling together a broader set of partners to extend the benefits of High Performance and Data Intensive Computing to more research communities. Reaching this broader audience aids the acceleration of research and inquiry to help solve the ever-increasing and complex problems facing society. Using Internet2’s Innovation Platform concept and emerging suite of NET+ services will allow the academic community to deploy massive resources in response to the data grand challenge.”

Dave Lambert, president and chief executive officer, Internet2

“Internet2 and our members are excited about collaborating with Dell to identify and implement cloud solutions for our global research computing needs. We expect innovations to provide a variety of technologies that our members can use to solve and address numerous real-world issues."