Delivering business optimisation through cloud consolidation

August 29, 2013 Off By David

Grazed from CloudTech. Author: Jonathan Birch.

Increasingly business complexity, broader technology adoption and changing expectations have forced a shift in the role of the IT department and how it delivers services. Part of this change has been driven by the advent of cloud computing, which has allowed CIOs to decrease operational budgets and focus more on designing and building applications as well as innovation.

The benefits of cloud computing are well established, but although it helps ‘do more with less’ it has drawbacks of its own. As such, what many companies are starting to realise is that a lack of integration between disparate applications and services is a major factor in the failure of organisations to achieve their larger strategic goals…

Rampant cloud adoption can lead to ‘cloud sprawl’ and IT managers can find themselves squandering the savings made when moving to cloud on managing, governing and controlling cloud adoption or dealing with confusion. The best way to avoid situations such as these is for companies to have a comprehensive cloud strategy in place to ensure that a cloud implementation delivers business benefits…

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