Data Security Remains Top Cloud Computing Technology Concern

November 6, 2014 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from Midsize Insider. Author: Marissa Tejada.

Firms of all sizes are evaluating the kind of virtualized storage that is best for them. But as cloud computing technology grows in popularity — yielding new software, servers and backup systems — security remains a top concern.

Lack of Awareness

A Ponemon Institute study commissioned by SafeNet discovered that as firms continue to implement cloud services, they are unsure of how to secure their data. In fact, 47 percent of respondents said IT security professionals are not involved in decisions about cloud computing technology, while 44 percent of a firm’s corporate data that is stored in the cloud is not managed by staff in the IT department…

Fifty-seven percent of companies share sensitive information stored in the cloud with third parties, demonstrating that many of these professionals are unaware of how to deal with their data in the cloud. Similarly, only 34 percent of organizations have chosen to encrypt sensitive data…

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