CoreMatrix Reports That Cloud Computing Has Changed the Rules of Retailing

August 5, 2013 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from MarketWire. Author: PR Announcement.

CoreMatrix, a leading cloud computing consulting company, today announced that the retail industry is adopting cloud solutions to reduce infrastructure and computing costs as well as to engage consumers on social networks and gain a 360-degree view of their customers.

Many retailers have already embraced cloud computing, as evidenced by associates at brick & mortar stores using tablet computers to better serve customers and the increasing appearance of in-store kiosks enabling customers to access online product reviews and recommendations. In addition, cloud-based social log-in tools and other conveniences offer consumers an easier online shopping and buying experience…

"The cloud has already garnered a well-earned reputation for helping companies reduce costs and gain operational efficiencies through a combination of pay-per-use environment and on-demand infrastructure and storage. Now awareness is growing that cloud computing offers retailers a smart way to connect with consumers and deliver a richer, more satisfying customer experience," said CoreMatrix Co-Founder, Paul Nix.

Nix also noted that cloud-based tools help retailers captured extensive consumer data that can provide a complete view of customers and that proactive retailers are using social technologies internally to improve customer service.

"Cloud-based tools enable collaborative customer service by escalating customer issues to internal experts and channeling feedback to product managers, leading to stronger customer relationships and more brand advocates," Nix said.

For more information about how retailers are taking advantage of cloud computing, read the new CoreMatrix eBrief, "Cloud Computing Has Changed the Rules of Retailing." (